Wednesday, October 12, 2011

What will it be?

The national television media keep asking about the 'Occupy Wall Street" protesters "What do they want"? I think this is strange. They have been saying what they want for thirty years now. They want their nation back from the slavocracists who have taken over America.

You know the ones- the "job creators" who are making jobs for Chinese people in China and un document illegal aliens, Chinese, Mexican, Irish, Slovakian here in America. They create these jobs for Chinese people in China and illegal aliens here, because Americans attempt to not do those jobs for slave labor wages at inhumane conditions. They resist profit maximization for the Slavocracy through their own economic and health destruction. Therefore these are now "Jobs americans wont (be allowed to) do." We want protectionism.

The 99% want our jobs back and we want them back on our shores where they support local economies and where they are performed at a fair wage in humane working conditions. We want our economic health back.

We want what EVERYONE else in the industrialized world has: Single payer universal coverage health care that works for everyone. Pick a system, the French one, the Dutch one, the Canadian, British or German one, or pick the best features of them all and make a great American system that works for the people. 50% of all bankruptcies are due to people not being able to pay medical bills. That's crazy. It's inhumane. We want a decent society where no one has to deciede "Do I die or do I live homeless?"

We want an end to socialism for the rich where they can make insdane "investments" designed to fail and have the government bail them out, but the rest of us are exposed to a economic system best described as "Nature red of tooth and claw." In that system the only two values are protecting the rich from loss and making everyone else struggle just to live.

We want open free access public education of international quality for all of our children. A educational system that prepares America for a prosperous future instead of for slavery.

Finally, we want a world where the richest 1% of the population have less than 10% of the nations wealth, rather than 30% of it, and we want the rest of the nation to share that wealth and prosper.

Yes we want to redistribute the wealth, and taht will come to America, either through reform of revolution. The 1% will decide - what will it be?


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