Sunday, February 04, 2007

Burn Howie Burn

God is strange and wonderful. Mysterious even. Last Monday, I was talking to Assasinations Researcher Mike Canfield on the phone. I asked Mike if E. Howard Hunt was still alive. We concluded that E. Howard must be, since we hadnt heard his wickedness had died.

I wished Howard a speedy but painful trip to the hottest confines of hell. The Holy Spirit moved upon of all people, me and Mike to pray for E. Howards soul and salvation. Never had such mixed emotions. I knew God was wanted me and Mike to pray for E. Howard, but I really wanted Howie to burn brightly in hell. I was pissed that E. Howard had already lived 88 years fouling the earth.

It wasnt for E. Howards role in the Watergate break in, what he is most famous for, that made me dislike him so. No, it was his role in assasinating duly elected governments throughout Latin America, his role at the Bay of Pigs as one of the head CIA spooks in charge,His role in the assasination of Che , E. Howards role November 22, 1963 as a spotterfor the assasination of John Kennedy, that made me want him in hell. It was the betrayal of Democracy for the lusts of Empire, and his central role in turning my country from a Republic to an Empire that endeared old E.Howard Hunt to me.

So God has me and Mike pray for E. Howards soul. Such a sense of humor God has! I was confused by it all. Didn't sleep all night, alternativly praying for E. Howard and meditating upon his misdeeds. I got out of bed early and drew for a few hours. I went to the Java Joint for my daily ration of 60 ounces of Joe. My buddy Tom Turner walked up and informed me "E. Howard Hunt just died." I let out a shout for joy. I did. Right there in a public place. The Holy Spirit said "I counted your prayers for righteousness". I hoped that prayer was one that got a no answer. God wouldnt tell me where E. Howard was spending eternity. Said it wasnt for me to know. He's annoying that way.

Me and Mike of all people praying for E. Howard Hunt. What terrible mercy and sense of humor God has.

Still all and all,speaking only for myself, knowing perhaps I am not as "evolved" as I should be- "Burn Howard, Burn. Burn for all eternity you Rat Bastard Murdering King of Lies Empire building CIA creep. Burn in the hottest darkest lonliest stinkiest lowest bowels of hell. Burn forever you bastard."


Blogger Real History Lisa said...

I believe in karma. I have to. To think that there's no justice in the universe is to sink into despair.

James Jesus Angleton, just before his own death, said he was sure Allen Dulles and Richard Helms were in Hell, and that he would soon join them there. At least he knew where he belonged. I don't think Howard ever had any remorse.

I know a guy who was trying to write a book on Howard's life, but gave up when he realized EHH was never going to tell the truth. As another spook said to me recently, "What makes you think they will EVER tell the truth?"

So howl away. Then pray for the living. Who cares about EHH's soul? He plotted his own course.

5:03 PM  
Blogger david hunt said...

But you are wrong, he did tell the truth before he died. 12 hours of recorded video tape that is going to put major pieces of the real puzzle together. I am currently receiving book offers......

7:20 PM  
Blogger Red Taliesin said...

Well Howard told a tale to his son, but did he tell his son the truth? Well he probably came closer to the truth with his son than he ever did to anyone else, but what he told his son was that he knew about it, but didnt participate.

I think the photos of the three bumbs make clear that just aint the case.

And Lisa, I pray for the living and the republic.

6:33 PM  

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